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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
7 days ago1 min read
Bottle Blues is LIVE!
My new course, Bottle Blues, is live on my website! Check it out! Bottle Blues bottle feeding course for parents Who is it for? This...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Jan 92 min read
Overcoming the Bottle Feeding Blues: A mind-set shift for parents and babies struggling with bottle feeding
"You kidding me with this?" I have worked with a lot of babies experiencing bottle refusal or aversion. It is not an easy thing to go...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Mar 25, 20244 min read
Still Struggling After Tie Release…
“I did all the things: I found the ties, I found a release provider, I had the release, I did the wound care activities, and my baby and...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Aug 21, 20236 min read
Extended breastfeeding: myths, facts, and the stigma and shame
If you have a moment, I would like to tell you about my personal experience with extended breastfeeding. The following is part my own...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Jan 16, 20232 min read
Why Can't We Just 'Let a Baby Be a Baby'?
Many therapists on social media, including myself get comments on their educational posts criticizing our desire to push babies to their...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Sep 27, 20223 min read
The Dreaded Reattachment
You may have heard it suggested that the return of the appearance of a frenulum, or the recurrence of symptoms following release means...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Aug 2, 20222 min read
Breastfeeding into the "Beyond"
"Extended" breastfeeding has lots of benefits for parent and child! While this info isn’t directly PT related, it is very much health...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Jul 27, 20224 min read
‘Bodywork’: (some of) what it is…and what it is not
It is no wonder consumers and providers are confused about who and what a bodyworker is/does. Bodywork is pretty nebulously defined on...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Apr 26, 20223 min read
What if I can't access hands-on aftercare?
Lots of parents become concerned when planning an oral tether release procedure for their baby if they cannot access hands-on aftercare...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Mar 19, 20224 min read
STOP asking the internet: "Is this a tongue tie?"
Why you should stop posting photos of your kid's mouth to Facebook groups asking "Is this a tie?" and what questions you should be asking...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Mar 9, 20223 min read
Babies Feed With Their Whole Selves!
There is a wealth of literature that demonstrates that infants are not merely passive recipients of nutrition. Feeding is a multi sensory...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Feb 27, 20226 min read
Leave the Latch Alone!
Uninterrupted skin to skin contact following birth allowing for the initiation of feeding as driven by the innate instincts and reflexes,...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Feb 21, 20226 min read
Who is on Team Tongue Tie?
Where to go to have your baby (child, or self) evaluated and treated for oral ties. First, understand that not all providers are trained...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Feb 6, 20225 min read
I suspect my baby has a tongue tie…Now what?
So your baby is having difficulty. You’re exhausted, feeling so sorry for your little suffering baby who cannot tell you what is going on...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Jan 6, 20223 min read
What is lactation-informed PT?
As a first time mother, I had been given a copy of “Breastfeeding Made Simple”, a book whose title is an extreme misnomer, as most moms I...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Dec 19, 20214 min read
Skin to Skin for Birth Trauma and Feeding Difficulties
Ahhh the golden hour. The blissful period of time where your newborn is placed on your chest and you begin to learn one another, quietly...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Dec 15, 20214 min read
Five Mind Blowing Benefits of Skin to Skin
Many of us are aware of the more widely discussed benefits of skin to skin contact in the "golden hour" (the hour-ish immediately...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Nov 23, 20213 min read
What's a baby got to be tense about? (How does PT help?)
So now that you understand some of the common things that parents and practitioners notice in infants that might be cause for PT eval or...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Nov 18, 20214 min read
What's a baby got to be tense about? (What is tension?)
If you've been following me on Instagram, I've been sharing some resources from others regarding infants, "tension", feeding, and...
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Dr. Megan Powers, PT
Oct 7, 20214 min read
Five Weeks and a Day - A NICU Story - Day 37
Day 37 - September 19, 2014, and beyond... It’s finally here. Discharge day. The day our daughter comes home from the hospital. We are a...
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